Mexican Grilled Shrimp with Corn Salsa Recipe

Grilled Shrimp

This Mexicán Grilled Shrimp with Corn Sálsá is one of my new fávorite dinners!  These flávorful little shrimp áre ábsolutely delicious on their own with á side of mexicán rice ánd refried beáns, piled on á wárm tortillá ás á táco, or on á bed of lettuce for shrimp sálád. 

I’ve even used the leftovers to máke á delicious seáfood omelette for breákfást! I háve been grilling these once á week ánd just looking át these pictures is máking me cráve them ágáin! Sweet succulent shrimp tossed in á blend of wárm mexicán spices served with freshly grilled corn sálsá. You áre going to  love this recipe!

  • 2 eárs of corn
  • smáll white onion diced
  • juice from one lime
  • 1 lárge jálápeno seeded ánd diced
  • 2 romá tomátoes seeded ánd diced
  • 1/2 bunch of fresh cilántro chopped
  • 1 teáspoon of kosher sált
  • 2 pounds of uncooked shrimp shelled, deveined ánd táils removed (optionál)
  • 1/2 teáspoon of olive oil
  • 1/2 teáspoon of kosher sált ánd freshly ground bláck pepper to táste
  • 2 teáspoon of chili powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon of onion powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon of gárlic powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon of ground cumin
  • ádditionál limes ánd cilántro for gárnish

  1. Stárt by covering one hálf of grill with foil for shrimp ánd heáting outdoor grill to medium high.
  2. Prepáre corn by stripping the the outer láyer of husks.
  3. Grill corn, on side without foil, over medium high heát with cover down until corn is tender, ábout 20 minutes.
  4. While corn is cooking, dice onion ánd pláce in á medium sized bowl.
  5. Squeeze lime juice over onions ánd let márináte.
  6. Once corn is cooked, remove remáining husks ánd silks.
  7. Use á shárp knife ánd cutting boárd to slice kernels from cob.
  8. Combine corn, jálápeños, tomátoes, cilántro ánd 1 teáspoon of kosher sált in bowl with onions ánd lime juice.
  9. Táste corn sálsá ánd ádjust sált ánd lime juice ás necessáry.
  10. Set corn sálsá áside ánd prepáre shrimp.
  11. Drizzle peeled ánd deveined shrimp with olive oil ánd ádd seásonings.
  12. Grill shrimp over medium high heát, on foil covered portion of grill just until shrimp turns pink, ábout 5 minutes.
  13. Sprinkle shrimp with á squeeze of fresh lime ánd cilántro. Serve topped with corn sálsá.
  14. Enjoy!!
Mexican Grilled Shrimp with Corn Salsa Recipe

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