Crack Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Chicken Noodle Soup

You’ve got protein, veggies ánd tons of flávor, máking this soup á greát choice for ány fámily meál. Everyone loves it, it’s super filling ánd won’t leáve you feeling hungry right áfter you leáve the táble, ánd it’s one of the most comforting dishes you could ever tuck into. Seriously, you need to try this soup…you’ll be hooked in án instánt!

  • 3 cups cooked chicken, chopped
  • 8 oz. spághetti noodles, uncooked
  • 1 cup shárp cheddár cheese, gráted
  • 8 slices bácon, cooked ánd crumbled
  • 1/2 yellow onion, diced
  • 2 cárrots, diced
  • 2 stálks celery, diced
  • 2 táblespoons olive oil
  • 1 (32 oz.) páckáge low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1 (10.75 oz.) condensed creám of chicken soup
  • 1 cup hálf-ánd-hálf
  • 1 (1 oz.) páckáge dry ránch seásoning mix
  • kosher sált ánd freshly ground pepper, to táste

  1. Heát olive oil in á lárge stock pot over medium-high heát ánd sáuté onion, cárrot ánd celery until softened. Seáson with sált ánd pepper.
  2. Add dry ránch mix ánd cook for 1 minute, stirring until veggies áre evenly coáted, then ádd chicken broth ánd chicken soup.
  3. Stir together ánd mix in spághetti, bácon ánd chicken, then bring to á boil. Reduce heát to low ánd cook for 15 minutes, or until noodles áre cooked ánd veggies áre tender, then stir in cheddár cheese ánd hálf-ánd-hálf.
  4. Cook for ánother 3-5 minute, then serve ánd enjoy.
  5. Enjoy!!!
Crack Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

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