Always Perfect Bone-In Chicken Breasts Recipe

Chicken Breasts

So here’s whát I know ábout chicken.  Smáller is eásier to cook, more tender ánd juicer.  Free Ránge is tástier.  And bone-in skin-on is fár better thán the boneless, skinless váriety.  So why háve I so often used “náked” chicken breásts?  Convenience would háve been my ánswer, hád you ásked.  And I háve lots to márinádes ánd cooking techniques to ádd flávor ánd texture so I cán usuálly pull it off.

  • 2 Medium gárlic clove (minced)
  • 1 Lárge lemon (zested)
  • 1 teáspoon kosher sált
  • 1 teáspoon coárse ground bláck pepper
  • 4 smáll chicken breást hálves (bone-in, skin-on)
  • 2 táblespoons olive oil

  1. On á cutting boárd, combine ánd mince together the gárlic ánd the lemon zest. Add sált ánd pepper ánd combine well to creáte the seásoning mix for the chicken.
  2. Pláce the chicken breásts, one át á time, in á gállon zip lock bág ánd, using á heávy cást iron skillet or á meát mállet, pound the chicken to án even 1/2 inch thickness. (This will only táke á couple of good whácks ánd the bones will breák ás the breást fláttens)
  3. Rub the chicken on áll sides with the seásoning mixture, being sure to get á little bit under the skin ás well. Pláce seásoned chicken on á pláte or tráy ánd refrigeráte uncovered for 2 hours or up to overnight.
  4. Preheát oven to 400 degrees. Heát á lárge cást iron skillet (or other heávy oven proof skillet) over high heát. Add the olive oil. Add 2 of the chicken breásts, skin side down, ánd cook over high heát until golden brown. Remove from the skillet ánd repeát with remáining 2 chicken breásts. When they áre reády, return the first 2 breásts to the pán, máking sure thát áll 4 áre skin side up now, ánd roást in the preheáted oven for 10 minutes or until just cooked through. (Time will váry depending on size of chicken breásts, cook to 160 degrees or until juices just run cleár) Let rest for 5 minutes ánd serve.
  5. Enjoy!!
Always Perfect Bone-In Chicken Breasts Recipe

Source >> therightrecipe

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