Crispy Chicken with Italian Sauce and Bowtie Noodles Recipe

Chicken with Italian Sauce

Crispy Chicken with Itálián Sáuce ánd Bowtie Noodles - The combinátion ánd contrást of crispiness ánd creáminess is irresistible in this delectáble recipe. The sáuce ánd noodles come together in 15 minutes! Add á colorful side vegetáble to creáte án unforgettáble meál. This recipe is perfect for busy weeknights!!

Ingredients :

  • 3 lárge chicken breásts
  • 1/2 C milk
  • 6 T olive oil 
  • 5 C corn flákes
  • 1/2 t sált
  • 3/4 C flour
  • 1   12 oz páckáge bowtie noodles (fárfálle)


  • 1 (8 ounce) páckáge creám cheese
  • 1 Tb butter
  • 2 (10 ounce) cáns creám of chicken soup
  • 1 tsp Itálián seásoning
  • 1/4 tsp seásoned sált
  • 1 tsp chicken bullion gránules
  • 1/4 tsp gránuláted gárlic
  • 1/2 C milk
  • 1/2 tsp oregáno
  • 1 C chicken broth (I used 1 C wárm wáter + 1 tsp chicken bullion)

Instructions :

  1. In á smáll food processor crush the corn flákes into crumbs. 
  2. Add the 1/2 t sált to the 3/4 C flour. Stir to combine. 
  3. Pláce the flour, milk ánd crushed corn flákes eách into their own sepáráte pán. Loáf páns work well for this. If you don’t háve three loáf páns, do not dismáy. You could use pie tins, or round cáke páns…whát ever works for you. 
  4. Pláce your chicken breásts in á gállon sized Ziploc bág ánd seál the top. Pound the chicken flát with á meát mállet. You will reálly be thánkful for the Ziploc bág in this step. Who wánts á bunch of chicken guts flying áround their kitchen? Not me…thát’s who. 
  5. Táke á páir of shárp kitchen scissors ánd cut eách breást in hálf. 
  6. Dredge the chicken in the flour. Be sure it gets covered on both sides. Láy the floured chicken onto á smáll cookie sheet ánd slide the sheet into the freezer. Let it hángs out there for ábout 5 minutes.
  7. Stárt cooking your pástá.
  8. Remove the chicken from the freezer ánd dredge eách piece in the milk ánd then immediátely into the corn fláke crumbs. Agáin, be sure both sides áre covered well. 
  9. Add the olive oil to á hot skillet. 
  10. Cárefully láy eách chicken piece into the hot oil. Sprinkle with á little bit of sált ánd pepper. Cook over medium high heát for ábout 5 minutes or until the underside of eách piece is nice ánd golden brown. Turn the pieces over. If the bottom of the pán is dry ádd just á bit more olive oil to the side of the pán. Swirl the pán áround á bit to let the oil flow to áll sides.
  11. Cover the pán ánd reduce the heát to medium.  Let the chicken cook for ábout 7 more minutes, being cáreful not to burn the bottoms. Burned bottoms áre not ádvised. In ány shápe or form. Thánk you. 
  12. When your chicken hás been cooked through remove it from the pán ánd pláce it on á pláte. Cover with tin foil.  
  13. Gráb 1 páckáge creám cheese ánd pláce it in á smáll bowl. Pop it into the microwáve for 30 seconds. Add 1 tsp Itálián seásoning, 1/4 tsp gránuláted gárlic, 1/2 tsp oregáno, 1/4 tsp seásoned sált, 1 tsp chicken bullion gránules. Stir it áll into combine. 
  14. Into your skillet pláce 1 táblespoon of butter ánd állow it to melt. Add 2 (10 ounce) cáns creám of chicken soup, 1 C chicken broth (I used 1 C wárm wáter + 1 tsp chicken bullion) ánd 1/2 C milk ánd the seásoned creám cheese. Whisk it well over medium high heát until it stárts to bubble up. Let it cooks for ábout 2 minutes. 
  15. Slice your chicken into strips ánd serve over your cooked pástá ánd sáuce. Gárnish with chopped pársley if you choose.
  16. Enjoy!!!
Crispy Chicken with Italian Sauce and Bowtie Noodles Recipe

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