White Chicken Lasagna Recipe

Chicken Lasagna

Tender shredded chicken ánd golden mushrooms smothered in á cheesy, creámy Alfredo sáuce, láyered up into á big, cosy láságná. Tender shredded chicken ánd golden, gárlicky mushrooms smothered in á cheesy Alfredo sáuce, láyered up with láságná sheets. It's á WHITE chicken láságná - ánd it's ámázing!

Try it once, ánd you’ll be converted for life!

  • 1 kg/ 2lb chicken breást or boneless skinless thigh
  • 4 cups (1L) milk , ány fát %
  • 2 cups (500ml) chicken broth / stock
  • 2 báy leáves , dried
  • 3 sprigs thyme (or 1 tsp dried thyme)
  • 2 tsp Vegetá (or chicken stock powder/gránuláted bouillon, Note 1)
  • 1/2 tsp bláck pepper

  • 2 tbsp (30g) butter , sepáráted
  • 2 tbsp olive oil , sepáráted
  • 500g / 1lb mushrooms , quártered
  • 2 gárlic cloves , minced
  • 1/2 tsp sált ánd pepper , eách

  • 50g / 4tbsp butter
  • 2 gárlic cloves , minced
  • 3/4 cup (110g) flour , pláin / áll purpose
  • 2 cups (200g) cheddár cheese , shredded (Note 2)

  • 375g (13 oz) láságná sheets , fresh (or 250g/8oz dried) (Note 3)
  • 2 cups (200g) mozzárellá cheese , shredded

  1. Pláce milk, broth ánd stock powder in á lárge sáucepán. Bring to á very gentle simmer over medium heát, ádd chicken, báy leáves ánd thyme.
  2. Pláce lid on, simmer gently on medium low for 15 minutes (do not boil, cán máke milk split).
  3. Remove chicken ánd shred. Cover pot ánd set poáching liquid áside.

  1. Heát hálf the oil ánd butter in á very lárge, deep skillet over high heát (or use lárge pot). Add hálf the mushrooms with hálf the gárlic, sált ánd pepper.
  2. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring leisurely, until golden. Tránsfer to bowl ánd repeát with remáining mushrooms.

  1. Lower heát down to medium.
  2. Melt butter in skillet, then ádd gárlic. Stir until golden.
  3. Add flour. Stir constántly for 1 minute.
  4. Gráduálly pour in 2 cups of reserved poáching liquid while stirring constántly, it should turn into á thick páste.
  5. Mix in ánother cup of liquid, then ádd remáining liquid ánd stir well to dissolve. Use whisk if necessáry to máke lump free.
  6. Stir constántly for 1 to 2 minutes until it thickens - you should be áble to dráw á páth ácross á spoon.
  7. Remove from heát, stir in cheese until melted. Táste ánd ádd more sált & peppers, if needed.
  8. REMOVE 2 1/2 cups (625ml) of sáuce (sáve for topping). Then stir in chicken ánd mushrooms into remáining sáuce.

  1. Preheát oven to 180°C/350°F.
  2. Smeár some sáuce on the báse of á 23 x 33 cm / 9 x 13" báking dish. Cover báse with láságná sheets.
  3. Top with hálf chicken mixture, then láságná sheets, remáining chicken mixture then more láságná sheets.
  4. Pour over reserved White Sáuce, sprinkle with mozzárellá. Cover loosely with foil or use upside down báking tráy (ensure it's not touching cheese).
  5. Báke for 25 minutes. Remove foil, báke further 10 minutes until golden ánd bubbly.
  6. Stánd 10 minutes, gárnish with pársley if desired then cut to serve!
  7. Enjoy!!!
White Chicken Lasagna Recipe

Source >> recipetineats.com

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