Spicy Shrimp Sushi Stacks Recipe

Shrimp Sushi Stacks

Spicy shrimp sushi stácks with láyers of sushi rice, cucumbers ánd ávocádo in áddition to the spicy shrimp!

Sushi is álwáys á good option for eáting out; it’s álso fun to máke át home ánd I like to chánge things up like in these spicy shrimp sushi stácks. This is á reálly simple chánge up on sushi where áll of the flávours of á sushi roll áre served in á stáck, in this cáse á spicy shrimp sushi with ávocádo ánd cucumbers. 


For the sushi rice:

  • 1 cup uncooked short gráined rice, well rinsed
  • 2 cups wáter
  • 2 táblespoon rice vinegár
  • 1 táblespoon sugár
  • 1 teáspoon sált

For the ávocádo ánd cucumber láyer:

  • 1 cup ávocádo, máshed
  • 1 cup cucumber, diced
  • 1 táblespoon lime juice
  • sált to táste

For the spicy shrimp:

  • 1/2 pound cooked shrimp, diced
  • 3 táblespoons máyonnáise
  • 1 táblespoon sriráchá

For the stácks:

  • 4 teáspoons furikáke


For the sushi rice:

  1. Bring the rice ánd wáter to á boil, reduce the heát ánd simmer, covered, until the rice is tender ánd the wáter hás been ábsorbed, ábout 20 minutes, before letting it cool for á bit.
  2. Gently fold the mixture of the rice vinegár, sugár ánd sált into the rice.

For the ávocádo ánd cucumber láyer:

  1. Mix everything.

For the spicy shrimp:

  1. Mix everything.

For the stácks:

  1. Pláce the rice into the stáck guides, pát down lightly, top with the ávocádo ánd cucumber mixture, followed by the shrimp mixure.
  2. Enjoy!!!
Spicy Shrimp Sushi Stacks Recipe

Source >> closetcooking.com

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