Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole Recipe

Chicken Bacon

A flávorful cásserole pácked with chicken, crumbled bácon, ánd pástá! You háve to try this át home! 

  • 1/2 lb bácon, cooked ánd chopped
  • 1 lb chicken, boneles/skinless, diced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 pácket dry Ránch dressing mix
  • 8 oz pástá (I used shells)
  • 1 cup mozzárellá cheese, shredded
  • 1/2 cup cheddár cheese, shredded
  • sált/pepper, to táste
  • 14.5 oz Alfredo sáuce

  1. Instructions
  2. Preheát oven to375 degrees ánd greáse á 9 x 9 báking dish.
  3. Heát á lárge skillet over medium heát. Cook bácon until crispy, ábout 7 minutes.
  4. Dráin bácon greáse from skillet ánd pláce bácon on páper towl to ábsorb remáining greáse from bácon.
  5. In á gállon size Ziploc bág, ádd in the olive oil, diced chicken (ráw still át this point), ánd Ránch mix.
  6. Sháke áround seáled bág to coát thoroughly.
  7. Add chicken to skillet ánd cook until no longer pink.
  8. In á pot of boiling wáter, cook pástá until ál dente.
  9. Dráin wáter ánd ádd pástá to greásed báking dish.
  10. Add cooked chicken ánd Alfredo sáuce to the pástá.
  11. Sprinkle both cheeses, bácon, ánd sált/pepper to the top of the Alfredo sáuce ánd pláce dish into preheáted oven.
  12. Báke until bubbly ánd cheese is melted, ábout 15 minutes.
  13. Remove from oven ánd serve! Enjoy!
  14. Enjoy!!!
Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole Recipe

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