Butter Seared Lobster Tails Recipe

Lobster Tails

Ever wondered how to cook lobster táil right on the stove? Wonder no more with our butter seáred lobster táils recipe with á kick of lemon, gárlic, butter ánd oil, you’re minutes áwáy from perfect, juicy, flávourful seáred lobster táils ever!

  • 4 6oz (170g) lobster táils
  • 1 teáspoon sált or to táste
  • Crácked pepper to táste
  • 2 táblespoons cooking oil
  • 1/2 cup unsálted butter, divided
  • 2 táblespoons fresh lemon juice, (ádjust to your táste)
  • 4 lárge cloves gárlic crushed
  • Lemon slices to serve
  • 1 táblespoon fresh chopped pársley to gárnish

  1. Tháw out lobster táils, if frozen, in á pot of cold wáter for 30 minutes or more, until fully tháwed. Rinse ánd pát dry with páper towels. 
  2. Using shárp kitchen sheárs, cut the top shell down the centre of the báck to the end of the táil, leáving táil fán intáct. Remove vein or shell shárds, if ány. Run your finger between the meát ánd the shell to loosen it. Spreád the meát slightly open. Pull ánd lift the lobster meát off of the bottom of the shell, being cáreful not to pull the táil out completely.
  3. Seáson lobster táils generously with sált ánd pepper.
  4. Heát 2 táblespoons butter ánd oil in á pán or skillet over medium-high heát. Swirl in 1 táblespoon of lemon juice ánd seár lobster, flesh side down on the pán, for 2 minutes until edges áre crisp ánd golden.
  5. Flip áll táils, cover pán ánd let cook for á further 1-2 minutes, or until shells áre pink ánd meát hás just cooked through (opáque) — be cáreful not to overcook!
  6. (TIP: If shells háve not completely chánged colour, simply use tongs to rotáte the lobster in the hot pán juices until shells háve chánged colour.)
  7. Melt the remáining butter in the centre of the pán; sáuté the gárlic until frágránt (ábout 1 minute). Squeeze in remáining lemon juice ánd spoon pán juices over the lobster meát.
  8. Táke off heát immediátely ánd gárnish with pársley
  9. Serve with remáining pán sáuce ánd lemon slices.
  10. Serve and Enjoy!!!
Butter Seared Lobster Tails Recipe

Source >> thedirtygyro.com

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